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Summer School: TEWWG ch. 11 & 12

Chapter 11:

1. Why does Tea Cake tell Janie to have another Coca-Cola?

2. Where do Janie and Tea Cake go fishing?

3. How is Tea Cake prepared to play with Janie’s hair?

4. What kind of fish does Tea Cake catch for Janie?

5. What does Janie wish about herself?

6. How much does Tea Cake want to bet Janie that he loves her?

7. Why does Tea Cake wake Janie up a couple of days after their fight?

8. What is Tea Cake doing in Janie’s hammock?

9. Why does Tea Cake bring a car to Janie’s store?

10. How long has Tea Cake been saving money to take Janie to the church picnic?
Chapter 12:

1. How long has Joe been dead in this chapter?

2. What color does Janie usually wear?

3. What does the Pastor say about Tea Cake?

4. Where does Pheoby stop before she goes to Janie’s house?

5. Why doesn’t Janie wear mourning clothes anymore?

6. Why is Pheoby scared that Janie is becoming like a possum?

7. Why does Janie decide to sell the store?

8. What does Janie mean when she says, “ah done lived Grandma’s way, now ah means to live mine”?

9. How is Pheoby like a chicken?

10. What costume is Janie preparing for her elopement?

Summer School: TEWWG Ch. 9 & 10

Chaper 9:

1. What song does the Elks band play during Joe’s funeral?

2. Why is Janie content to keep things as they are for now?

3. What does Janie do during the evenings?

4. Why does Janie consider returning to where she came from?

5. How long has Joe been dead when Ike Green proposes to help Janie?

6. How does Janie get rid of Ike Green?

7. How long does Janie wear black?

8. How does Hezekiah become more like Joe?

9. How do the townspeople treat Janie after she starts to wear white?

10. Who is pressuring Pheoby to introduce him to Janie?

Chaper 10:

1. At what time does Tea Cake come into the store?

2. What does Tea Cake buy at the store?

3. Does Janie like checkers?

4. Why does Janie complain about their game?

5. How does Tea Cake intend to get home?

6. Why didn’t Tea Cake tell Janie his name until she asks for it?

7. How does Janie joke about his nickname?

8. What is “knuckle puddin’”?

9. What name does Janie call Tea Cake, and how does he like this name?

10. What does Janie do after Tea Cake walks away?


Summer School: TEWWG ch. 7&8

Chaper 7:
1. What did Janie get from Joe?

2. Explain the following sentence. “She sat and watched the shadow of herself going about tending store and prostrating itself before Jody, while all the time she herself sat under a shady tree with the wind blowing through her hair and her clothes.”

3. Why does Joe tell Janie to stop playing croquet?

4. How does Joe look older?

5. What mistake does Janie make in the store?

6. Why do people stop laughing at Joe’s insult of Janie’s body?

7. According to Janie, what has Joe “mixed up”?

8. What does Joe use as a means of fulfillment?

Chaper 8:

1. Where does Joe sleep after the fight from the preceding

2. Explain the following sentence: “Well, if she must eat out of a long-handled spoon, she must.”

3. Since Joe is refusing to see Janie, who is cooking and cleaning for him?

4. What does Pheoby advise Janie to do about the rumor that she is poisoning her husband?

5. What does Pheoby know about the medicine man who started the rumor about Janie?

6. What medical problem does Joe have?

7. Describe the character of Death.

8. What was Janie originally looking for in her relationship with Joe?

9. What has Janie gained and not gained from her relationship with Joe?


Summer School: TEWWG Chs. 5 & 6

Chaper 5:
1. What does Joe buy for Janie as they are traveling to Eatonville?
2. Describe the town as it is when Joe and Janie first arrive.
3. When Joe leaves town for the first time, who stays behind, and why?
4. How does Lee Coker respond to Amos Hicks and his criticism of Janie?
5. How does Hicks respond to Joe’s announcement that he is going to get a post office for Eatonville?
6. Why is Tony Taylor upset at Lige Moss during the party celebrating the store’s grand opening?
7. How does Joe decide to celebrate the arrival of the street lamp?

Chaper 6:
1. Sam tells Matt that his mule is in trouble by the lake. What has supposedly happened with the mule?
2. What does Joe do before he buys the mule?
3. How much does Matt get for the mule?
4. What is Sam and Lige’s argument about?
5. What position does each man hold in this argument, and what proof do they offer?
6. Why are Jim and Dave arguing in the store?
7. How does Joe ruin the argument for Janie?
8. According to Joe, what is the difference between him and Janie?
9. Why does Joe pretend to read the paper when Mrs. Robbins walks...

Summer School-TEWWG Chs. 3 & 4

Answer the following using complete sentences.

Chapter 3:

1. What does Janie ask herself as the marriage approaches?
2. Who arranges Janie’s wedding ceremony?
3. When Janie asks Nanny for “information” why does Nanny laugh?
4. What does Janie want Nanny to do?
5. What does Nanny mean when she says “bein’ a fool don’t kill nobody. It just makes you sweat”?
6. What doesn’t Janie like about Logan’s appearance?
7. What does Nanny do after Janie leaves her?
8. What is “a bloom time, a green time, and an orange time?”
9. What does she tell the seeds, and why?

Chapter 4:
1. How does Logan treat Janie differently in the months that follow Nanny’s death?
2. What does Janie do when Logan threatens not to chop any wood for her?
3. Why does Logan want an extra mule?
4. Describe Joe as Janie first sees him.
5. As Joe walked down the road, “he acted like Mr. Washburn or somebody like that to Janie.” What does this imply?
6. Why does Joe want Janie to shake her head?
7. What does Janie mean when she says to Logan, “you don’t take nothin’ to count but sow-belly and cornbread”?


Summer School-Their Eyes Were Watching God Chs. 1 & 2

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences and complete thoughts. Answer each question fully, writing for depth, not length.

Chapter 1
1. According to the book, what has the woman come back from doing?
2. Why did all the people see her come?
3. What are the porch sitters compared to? Are the human or aren’t they? Explain.
4. What do they remember about the woman?
5. What do the men notice about Janie as she walks down the street, and what do the women notice about her?
6. What does Pheoby bring for Janie?
7. What is Janie doing as Pheoby walks in?
8. According to Sam Watson, why do the residents of Eatonville want to rise on Judgment Day?
9. Does Janie intend to tell the residents of Eatonville what happened? If so, how?
10. The author makes a big deal about Janie’s black "rope" of hair. Metaphorically, what is it supposed to stand for? How could it also stand for race?
11. In the last line of the first chapter, Hurston uses a metaphor. What is it?

Chapter 2
1. Why is it hard for Janie to start her story?
2. Why was Janie called Alphabet?
3. Why had Janie been spending so much time underneath the pear tree?
4. Who is the “glorious being” that Janie sees coming up the road?
5. Why is Nanny scared for Janie?
6. Why does Nanny want Janie to marry Logan Killicks?
7. What happened to Nanny’s lover?
8. Why did Nanny run away from the plantation in Savannah?
9. Who was Janie’s father?
10. Why does Nanny call herself a “cracked plate”?
11. Janie sees her life as a tree in leaf. How is that different from the image of life as a river?


Summer School: Semester 1 Final-Short Answer

Answer the following questions fully and completely, using your best writing skills. Each question should be answered using at least one full paragraph, but you might need to write more to answer the question fully.

1. The author of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain, presents to the reader several examples of societies failings. Rather than dealing with these problems using a serious tone, Twain instead satirizes the issues. Why does he choose to use humor to address these issues?

2. Is Huck a moral character? Why, or why not? What is Twains view of morality as it is practiced by our society?

3. How is Huck a representation of the young United States?

4. What seems to be Twain's main message to us, his American readers?


Summer School: Huck Finn Chs. 40-The Last

Remember to put your name (first initial and last name: dconlay) at the top of your comments. Please write your answers using complete sentences. Begin each chapter section by identifying the chapter. Begin each questionby identifying the question number.

Chapter 40
115. What happened that alerted the farmers to Tom, Huck, and Jim's presence?
116. What was Jim wearing during the "evasion"?

Chapter 41
117. Who went to get the doctor?
118. Why?
119. Why didn't the dogs lead the farmers to Jim and the boys?

Chapter 42
120. How much did the doctor say a person like Jim was worth?

Chapter the last
121. How much money was waiting for Huck back home?
122. How did Huck's Pap die?


Summer School: Huck Finn Chs. 36-39

Remember to put your name (first initial and last name: dconlay) at the top of your comments. Please write your answers using complete sentences. Begin each chapter section by identifying the chapter. Begin each questionby identifying the question number.

Chapter 36
105. What kind of pie did Tom tell Nat to make?
106. How many tallow candles did tom steal?

Chapter 37
107. Where do they keep the boots and rags, and pieces of bottles and
wore-out tin things, and all such truck?
-According to Tom, from where did William the Conqueror come, and on what ship?

Chapter 38
110. What does "Maggoire fretta, minore atto" mean?
111. What was Jim to get instead of a rattlesnake?
112. What was Tom going to put in Jim's coffee pot?

Chapter 39
113. What did Tom and Huck see dripping from the rafters , landing on
plates and down the back of your neck?
114. What did Tom and Huck do with the sawdust?


Summer School: Huck Finn Chs. 32-35

Remember to put your name (first initial and last name: dconlay) at the top of your comments. Please write your answers using complete sentences. Begin each chapter section by identifying the chapter. Begin each questionby identifying the question number.

Chapter 32
95. What is Silas' wife's name?
96. Who do Mr. and Mrs. Phelps think Huck is?

Chapter 33
97. Who was coming from town in a wagon?
98. What did the stranger do to Aunt sally that made her almost hit him?
99. What happened to the king and the duke?

Chapter 34
-What two clues assured Tom and Huck that Jim was in the shed?
102. How did Tom and Huck finally decide to free Jim?

Chapter 35
103. What did Tom and Huck hear that made them stop talking about Jim's
104. How many knives did Tom want Huck to "smouch"?


Summer School: Huck Finn Chs. 29-31

Remember to put your name (first initial and last name: dconlay) at the top of your comments. Please write your answers using complete sentences. Begin each chapter section by identifying the chapter. Begin each questionby identifying the question number.

Chapter 29
87. What did the king say was tatooed on Peter Wilkes breast?
88. What did Harvey Wilkes say was tatooed on his brothers breast?

Chapter 30
89. What does the duke say is the one smart thing the king did, the thing
that saved them?
90. Soup is…?

Chapter 31
91. At whose house was Jim when Huck came back to the raft?
92. How much did the king get for Jim?
93. How much was the reward for Jim?
94. Huck found out that you can't…?


Summer School: Huck Finn Chs. 26-28

Remember to put your name (first initial and last name: dconlay) at the top of your comments. Please write your answers using complete sentences. Begin each chapter section by identifying the chapter. Begin each questionby identifying the question number.

Chapter 26
79. Where did Huck hide to eavesdrop on the king and duke?
80. Where did the King put the money?

Chapter 27
81. Where did Huck stick the money?
82. Why was the dog howling in the basement during the funeral?
83. Whom did Huck say he had seen in the king's room?

Chapter 28
84. To where was Mary Jane going for 4 days?
85. In what town did the duke and the king play the "Royal nonesuch"?
86. Who was the man with the broken arm?


Summer School: Huck Finn Chs. 20-25

Remember to put your name (first initial and last name: dconlay) at the top of your comments. Please write your answers using complete sentences. Begin each chapter section by identifying the chapter. Begin each questionby identifying the question number.

Chapter 20
64. How old was the imaginary boy named Ike?
65. How much did the King make at the camp meeting?

Chapter 21
66. What play are the duke and the king rehearsing?
67. What is the "most celebrated thing in Shakespeare"?
68. Who Killed Boggs?

Chapter 22
69. Colonel Sherburn isays that the average man is a ____________.

Chapter 23
70. How much did "them rapscallions" take in in three nights?
71. Who does Huck say is Henry the Eighth's father?
72. Why did Jim feel bad about hitting his daughter?

Chapter 24
73. What was Peter Wilkes occupation while he was living?

Who are Peter Wilkes' three nieces?

Chapter 25
77. How much were the king and duke short of $6,000 in the basement?
78. Who told the girls the King was a fraud?


Summer School: Huck Finn Chs. 14-19

Remember to put your name (first initial and last name: dconlay) at the top of your comments. Please write your answers using complete sentences. Begin each chapter section by identifying the chapter. Begin each questionby identifying the question number.

Chapter 14
49. How many boxes of cigars did Huck and Jim get from the ferry-boat?
50. How did Louis the XVI die?

Chapter 15
51. Where did Huck lose the raft?

Chapter 16
52. What town were Huck and Jim looking for?
53. Why was Huck miserable?
54. How did the raft get destroyed?

Chapter 17
55. What was Huck's pseudonym?
56. How did Huck find out his pseudonym after he'd forgotten it?
57. How did Stephen Dowling Bots Die?

Chapter 18
58. Who was Col. Grangerfords oldest son?
59. At what time was Miss Sophia supposed to have her rendezvous?
60. With whom did Sophia Grangerford run off with?

Chapter 19
61. Who wouldn't say, "dern the fog"?

The two men said that they were really


Summer School: Huck Finn Chs. 10-13

Remember to put your name (first initial and last name: dconlay) at the top of your comments. Please write your answers using complete sentences. Begin each chapter section by identifying the chapter. Begin each questionby identifying the question number.

Chapter 10
35. What did Huck and Jim find sewed up in the lining of an old blanket
36. After Jim got bit by the rattlesnake, what did he have Huck do with the rattles?
37. Why does Huck think that Jim got bit by the snake?
38. What two objects did they find in the stomach of the catfish?

Chapter 11
39. Who is Sarah Williams?
40. Where is Sarah from?

What three ways did Mrs. Loftus ascertain Sarah's true gender?
41. The way she
42. The way she
43. The way she

Chapter 12
44. What is a tow-head?
45. What two items did Huck and Jim decide to NOT "borrow?"
46. According to Huck Finn, how much do steamboat captains make per month?

Chapter 13
47. What's the name of the wreck?
48. According to Huck Finn, how many wives did Solomon have?